About PhD Programmes

Centre of Biosciences SAS is approved as external training organization for the PhD study in the scientific fields

BiologyMVDr. Dušan Fabian, DrSc.
ChemistryIng. Zdena Sulová, DrSc.
Physicsprof. RNDr. Ľubica Lacinová, DrSc.
Veterinary Medicineprof. MVDr. Štefan Faix, DrSc.

Doctoral studies are organized under the auspices of PRIF UPJŠ in Košice in the fields of Biology and Physics, FCHPT STU in Bratislava in the field of Chemistry, PRIF UK in the field of Chemistry and Biology, FMFI UK in Bratislava in the field of Physics and UVMP in Košice in the field of Veterinary Medicine.

BiologyAnimal Physiology / PRIF UK, PRIF UPJŠ
Mikrobiológia / PRIF UK, PRIF UPJŠ, UVMP
Genetika / PRIF UK
Molekulárna biológia / PRIF UK
ChemistryBiochémia / FCHPT STU, PRIF UK
PhysicsBiofyzika / FMFI UK, PRIF UPJŠ
Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Morphology and Physiology / UVMP

Internal quality assurance system for doctoral studies (in Slovak)