[TEAMBUILDING] Science Cooperation Days 2024

On 25th and 26th April 2024, the scientific staff of all three institutes of the Centre of Biosciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, took part in the event CBs Science Cooperation Days 2024, the main aim of which was to get to know each other, to present established methods and procedures, and to establish new collaborations between research groups within the Centre of Biosciences.

In the first part, the individual laboratories of each organisational unit were presented. In addition to current topics, an overview of the available infrastructure within the CBs was given. The second part of the meeting focused on the vision of science popularisation and branding of the Centre of Biosciences. The current team of popularisers was joined by younger colleagues whose role will be to manage the Centre of Biosciences’ accounts on various social networks. In the evening we took part in team-building activities prepared by our colleagues Zuzana Ševčíková Tomášková and Katarína Ondáčová. Teams of six competed in activities focusing on knowledge, skills and physical activity. Each team included representatives from all three CBs institutes. The winning team was the “Angels” team and we congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts. We believe that this event will strengthen the mutual cooperation within the Centre of Biosciences of the SAS and encourage the staff to work with more enthusiasm and joy.