Significant awards


Balážová Mária

SAS award for publication in scientific journals registered in the Nature Index database

Dremencov Eliyahu

SAS award for authors of top publications

Šimoničová Kristína

SAS award for authors of top publications

Dean’s Award for extraordinary fulfillment of study obligations and extraordinary results in the field of research during doctoral studies at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology STU in Bratislava

Šťastný Dominik

Dr. Ludmila Sedlárová Rabanová Award for recognition of merit in the field of the study of cell membrane biogenesis

Tomko Matúš

Diploma for the best scientific presentation in the category of young scientists up to 35 years of age at the conference 44. Days of Medical Biophysics

Zábolyová Natália

Award for the best work of PhD students within the XVIIth year of the Seminar of PhD students dedicated to the memory of academician Boďa.


Petrisková Lívia

1st place in the Microbiology and Biotechnology section at the Days of Young Biologists Conference

Šťastný Dominik

1st place in the Biochemistry and Cell Biology section at the Days of Young Biologists Conference


Borovská Ivana

SAS Doctoral Students Competition – Prize for 1st place within the 2nd Department of SAS for scientific results achieved during doctoral studies

Kocúreková Tímea

Award in the virtual conference Young Neuroscientists and cutting-edge research for the best paper

Petrič Daniel

Award for the best work of PhD students within the XVIth year of the Seminar of PhD students dedicated to the memory of academician Boďa.

Piteľová Alexandra

Dr. Ludmila Sedlárová Rabanová Award for recognition of merit in the field of genetics and evolutionary biology

Ludovít Drobnica Award

Štempelová Lucia

Award for the best work of PhD students within the XVIth year of the Seminar of PhD students dedicated to the memory of academician Boďa.


Bačová Kristína

Award for the best work of PhD students within the XVth year of the Seminar of PhD students dedicated to the memory of academician Boďa.

Balážová Mária

L’Oréal – UNESCO “For Women in Science” – Honorable Mention

Karahutová Lívia

SAS Prize for the best thesis with a significant theoretical contribution

Award for the best work of PhD students within the XVth year of the Seminar of PhD students dedicated to the memory of academician Boďa.

Koppel Juraj

Silver Medal of the Slovak Medical Society

Lacinová Ľubica

Bronze Medal of the Slovak Medical Society

Mertušová Justína

Zdeněk Veselovský Prize for a first-authored article published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Jury Award for the best lecture at the 47th CSETS Conference. 30 – 31 October 2020

Audience Award for the best presentation at the 47th CSETS Conference. 30 – 31 October 2020

Niederová-Kubíková Ľubica

Recognition of authors of publications included in the Nature Index

Piteľová Alexandra

Scholarship of Dr. Ludmila Sedlárová Rabanová to cover the costs associated with a study stay at the Department of Cell Biology, Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic)


Borovská Ivana

Travel grant for participation in the symposium “Horizons in Molecular Biology” in Göttingen

Grinchii Daniil

Travel grant to attend the ECNP Congress in Copenhagen

Hapala Ivan

Medal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the Promotion of Science

Koppel Juraj

Medal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the Promotion of Science

Kratochwillová Silvia

Award for the best student scientific thesis prepared within the Student Scientific Conference of the UPJŠ in the section Zoology, Botany and Ecology

Kubalová Dominika

Best Young Scientist Poster Award

Award for the best work of PhD students within the XIVth year of the Seminar of PhD students dedicated to the memory of academician Boďa.

3rd place in the competition for the best scientific work of SAS young scientists

Lacinová Ľubica

Medal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the Promotion of Science

Mravčáková Dominika

Award for the best work of PhD students within the XIVth year of the Seminar of PhD students dedicated to the memory of academician Boďa.

Niederová-Kubíková Ľubica

Finalist of the L´Oréal – UNESCO Competition for Women in Science

Pisko Jozef

Award for the best work of PhD students within the XIVth year of the Seminar of PhD students dedicated to the memory of academician Boďa.

Polomová Justína

FNS CU Dean’s Award for Doctoral Students

Audience Award for the 1st best poster at the 46th CSETS Conference in Bratislava

Audience Award for the 1st best poster at the Student Conference on Behaviour and Cognition 2019


Faix Štefan

Medal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the Promotion of Science

Handrová Lívia

Award for the best work of PhD students within the XIIIth year of the Seminar of PhD students dedicated to the memory of academician Boďa.

Kubalová Dominika

Merck Prize for winning the Microbiology and Cell Biology section of the 10th Ivanska Days of Young Biologists minisymposium, held on 19.6.2018 at IABG

EMBO Short-Term Fellowship – a prestigious scholarship, which Mgr. Kubalová was awarded a 3-month stay in the laboratory of Dr. Anne-Claude Gavin, Structural and Computational Biology Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg (Germany)

Lauková Andrea

Medal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for contribution to science and research

Niederová Ľubica

Finalist of the L´Oréal – UNESCO Competition for Women in Science

Pokorná Lucia

Prize of Biotech company for the victory in the section Biochemistry and Molecular Biology minisymposium of the 10th Ivanske Days of Young Biologists, held on 19.6.2018 at the IABG

Finalist of the competition for the Dr. Ľudmila Sedlárová-Rabanová Prize

Polomová Justína

Price o.z. BioEcoGen for winning in the section Physiology and General Biology minisymposium of the 10th Ivanska Days of Young Biologists, held on 19.6.2018 at the IABG

Pichová Katarína

Best scientific poster presented at The 5th International Seminar on Behavioral Methods


Bágeľová Poláková Silvia, Mišová Ivana

Award for authors of top publications

Breier Albert

Medal of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for the Promotion of Science

Cagalinec Michal

SAS award for authors of top publications

Csáky Zsófia

Best Lecture Award at the International Yeast Lipid Conference 2017 in Paris

Lukáčová Kristína

Award in the competition of young neuroscientists dedicated to the memory of prof. MUDr. Jozef Maršala, DrSc.

Polomová Justína

Jury Award for the 3rd best student poster at the 44th Conference of the Czech and Slovak Ethological Society

Sulová Zdena

Dionýz Ilkovič Honorary plaque of the Slovak Academy of Sciences for merits in physicochemical sciences