[SUMMER SCHOOL] The 5th Summer School for Young Scientists

The 5th Summer School for Young Scientists took place in the week of 15-19 July 2024. This year, the number of participants was slightly higher, and the institutes from Bratislava were joined by another one from Košice. At the closing ceremony on Friday, the young science enthusiasts received their diplomas and almost all of them said goodbye: “See you next year“.

In the Department of Biophysics and Electrophysiology at the Institute of Molecular Physiology and Genetics, we welcomed three clever ladies. With great interest and enthusiasm they prepared samples for measuring action potentials in neurons, counted weights in solutions and tried their hand at working in the confocal microscopy laboratory. They presented their new knowledge in the form of a poster.

More information on the SAS website (in Slovak): https://www.sav.sk/?lang=sk&doc=services-news&source_no=20&news_no=12095

Photo: Jana Korčeková, Martin Bystriansky