[AWARDS] Prof. Juraj Koppel Awarded the SAS Gold Medal

The SAS Gold Medal is the highest honor awarded by the Scientific Council of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) to its scientific staff. On June 13, 2024, Prof. MVDr. Juraj Koppel, DrSc., a long-serving former director of the Institute of Animal Physiology at SAS and current Vice-Chairman for Economy and Legislation, received this prestigious award in his hometown of Košice.

Prof. Koppel is a renowned scientist in developmental physiology. He graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice in 1978. His career is largely tied to the Institute of Animal Physiology at SAS, where he served in various capacities, including as a scientific researcher, department head, and director for 19 years. His research focused on the physiological regulatory mechanisms during preimplantation embryonic development.

He has successfully led numerous research grants, including six VEGA grants and three APVV projects. His work covered a range of studies, from the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of plant extracts on animals to the molecular mechanisms regulating preimplantation embryo development. Prof. Koppel has also made significant contributions internationally, participating in EU projects under the 4th and 5th Framework Programs and coordinating two COST programs. He is actively involved in teaching at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, where he became an associate professor in 2006 and was appointed a full professor in 2014.

Since 2009, Prof. Koppel has been a member of the SAS Presidium and a full member of the Learned Society of SAS and the Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In 2013, he was inducted into the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. His scientific output includes 97 publications and contributions to one international patent and four patent applications.

The Scientific Council of SAS awarded Prof. MVDr. Juraj Koppel, DrSc., the SAS Gold Medal for his lifetime achievements, recognizing his significant contributions to science and research in Slovakia and his outstanding scientific, organizational, and personal qualities.

Read more on the SAS website (in Slovak).

Original article author: Andrea Nozdrovická

Photo: Tomáš Čižmárik